Sieth – A Humble Beginning

It is known that their ancestors were farmers and businessmen like so many others. After 17 years on this Earth, Wazo decided to turn his father’s vast farming land into a small town. A successful tradesman often came through and agreed to allow his only child – his daughter – to be married if Wazo would improve the paths going into and out of town. Wazo agreed after considering how he could further turn this deal in his favor. He made an agreement with the tradesman to improve the paths 5 miles out in either direction with fencing in one year. As small a town as it was at the time, the tradesman figured it couldn’t be done, but agreed.   

Wazo was faced with the challenge of meeting the tradesman’s expectations and his own goal of expanding his town. The town by cutting down an entire section of trees for farmland, firewood to sell, and wood to use to outline the paths going in and around town. It was labor intensive, but he offered small parcels of land to those who would assist in clearing the way in addition to paying taxes to the town. Over 20 families took up on the offer. A short year later, enough coin was made to build a town center that had clear paths 10 miles in either direction lined with fencing most of the way.

The tradesman came back impressed. Wazo had doubled what was asked. The tradesman so impressed, he asked if he could build a permanent store in town as everyone traded with each other and whomever came into town. Wazo sweetened the deal by having the store and the tradesman’s fortune be willed to the first child of Wazo and his new wife, Anya. It was agreed and from there,

Wazo’s son, Rizon, became Mayor of Dalova. He had no interest in running the store, but hired locals to keep it running as he managed the town and the trading businesses he inherited from his grandfather outside of it. Rizon had fathered many children and taught them governance, leadership, and running a business. Some took to it and contributed to the family fortune in later years, keeping Dalova as a family base. Others sought other ventures, but always came home to Dalova. As the family became wealthier and more powerful, he felt that a family name would suit them for as long as time went on. That name would be what the store was called in Dalova – Sieth.    

50 years passed and Dalova grew into a barony. The Baron of Dalova reigned over 100 years, and the Sieth dynasty grew. The direct descendant of Wazo, Alastor, was able to take over leadership of towns that stretched over a hundred miles away from Dalova with his family’s wealth. Thus the county of Sieth was established by Alastor Sieth on his birthday at the age of 36 on April 1st, 1081.  

The handsome Alastor, Count of Sieth.

Our story begins in 1081 with the focus on Count Alastor of Sieth. He is quick-witted and he is thankful for that. Due to his greediness, he was able to expand his family’s territory. Additionally, the man is stubborn, arbitrary, and has a stutter. Despite being lustful, he has never married and never considered it until now as he must now provide an heir to this great legacy or throw it all away as many of his relatives are gone.

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